Wellness requires a plan individualized to your life circumstances. We look for the underlying cause of your symptoms to create lasting change.

When it comes to pelvic floor issues, you deserve a trustworthy provider who is passionate about your care. The title ‘pelvic floor physical therapist’ can encompass a wide variety of experience levels, from 21 hours of training to hundreds of hours of continuing education and years of experience treating real people.

We have completed 150+ hours of pelvic health continuing education and are dedicated to learning every day. We love this work because it helps people with the most essential functions of human life. While having pelvic complaints can be debilitating and stressful, it can open a door to more deeply understanding yourself; empowering you with knowledge about not only your body, but also your ways of coping with stress and your life history. You build a kinder relationship with yourself, an appreciation for your incredible human body and a treasure trove of tools to promote wellness for the journey of your life.

We are committed to creating a safe space, where you are seen, heard and understood. We take the time to understand your story and become your teammate throughout your healing journey.

Compassionate Expertise



Dr. Luitje graduated with a BA in International Studies from Macalester College in 2001 and earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy from the University of Rhode Island in 2013. She was awarded the Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner Certificate in 2020 from Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute and has advanced training in abdominal visceral mobilization, peripartum rehabilitation, and rehabilitation for bowel, bladder and pain conditions for all genders. She has a background in dance, yoga and circus arts, and is a mother to twins.


Dr. Richards earned a BS in Health Studies in 2016, followed by a Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2018, both from Boston University. She was awarded the Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner Certificate in 2020 from Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute and has advanced training in abdominal visceral mobilization, peripartum rehabilitation, and rehabilitation for bowel, bladder and pain conditions for all genders. She has a background in soccer and an avid interest in nutrition and fitness.